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Industry: Management consulting firm

Integrated Analytics Services Supporting Strategic Market Research

The Client wanted well-managed analytics services in Germany since the Customer had specific criteria for the assessment but wanted the outsourcing partner to handle the technical implementation.
Integrated analytics services in Germany


In-depth pre-built reports

Increased B2B opportunity


Rapid analysis of data

Client Overview

The Client is a management consulting firm based in Germany that advises customers on strategic, financial, and marketing issues.

Project Challenges

The client intended to do strategic research of the airline industry market and deliver this knowledge as a service, using unique market data from various sources. Getting pre-built reports, the customer also wants to provide this information as a service by granting access to the reports to their customers.
Strategic market research in Berlin

BaryTech Solution

The Client didn’t have to bother about BI infrastructure implementation or administration with these services. BaryTech took an overall responsibility for this, as well as the solution’s performance, availability, security, and data quality control.

Our team installed the best BI solution on a dedicated server to allow the Customer to gain insights from an 8-year history of external data. A data warehouse, an Online analytical processing, and a web interface were all part of the solution provided by BaryTech. Our team also built a solution to extract data from Microsoft Excel and put it into a data warehouse without errors. The team also implemented an ETL process best practices.

BaryTech included ten dimensions in the OLAP cube, including –

Categorization of Airlines

Airlines, Dates, Time, Occasion, Airline by country, Airline by carrier type, Airline by ownership, Countries & Airline by size.

Significant & Rapid Measures via OLAP Cube

The following measurements such as EBIDTA, Debt, Growth over year, Revenue & Net income were also included in the OLAP cube.

Prebuilt Reports

The Client could review pre-built reports, as well as consolidate, filter, and connect the data, using a user-friendly online interface.

Ability to Adjust Permissions

The ability to adjust permissions so that a user may view reports from both their desktop and mobile device.




Pre-built reports

The Client gets pre-built reports in which they may gain important insights and dig further into a certain element of their interest.


Rapid analysis of data

Our Solution overcame the limitations of relational databases by providing rapid analysis of data.


Data service

The Client may also deliver this data as a service to their clients by providing them with access to the reports.


B2B opportunity

This opened the B2B opportunity for them.

BaryTech solutions rely on a unique blend of quantitative and qualitative primary research, social media analytics, secondary/desk research, and IP research. Their service has benefited us by driving higher growth, sustainable edge and faster customer acquisition in our business.
They did an excellent job of getting the right information we were in search of. On every level, they were ready to support and communicate with us.
BaryTech Client reviews
Chief Operating officer
Client Side