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Hydrogen and Its Derivatives in Action: Exploring German and Indian Perspectives on Opportunities and Challenges

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Embassy of India,
Tiergartenstraße 17, 10785 Berlin

Date & Time

11 May 2023
16:00 - 19:00 CET

Founder & Client Meetings

Keynote Speakers

Event itinerary

Event Details

An event titled “Hydrogen and Its Derivatives in Action: Exploring German and Indian Perspectives on Opportunities and Challenges” took place on May 11, 2023, in Berlin. The collaborative effort of the Embassy of India in Berlin, the World Energy Council Germany, and thyssenkrupp Uhde resulted in this informative gathering. The event centered around India’s potential for exporting green hydrogen and its derivatives, while also delving into the prospects and obstacles of importing these substances to Germany.

Founder & Client Meetings

The event commenced with welcoming remarks from Gaurav Sharma, First Secretary of the Embassy of India in Berlin, and Dr. Carsten Rolle, Executive Director of the World Energy Council Germany. Ambassador H.E. Parvathaneni Harish, India’s representative in Germany, provided valuable insights into the potential of Indo-German cooperation, setting the stage for the discussions ahead. Government officials, academia representatives, and private sector participants actively engaged in the event, all eager to uncover potential Indo-German hydrogen initiatives.

Further insights were offered by Dr. Andreas Nicolin, Deputy Head of Directorate General V at the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), and Dr. Cord Landsmann, CEO of thyssenkrupp Uhde GmbH. They presented on the subject of Green Ammonia, shedding light on its production, associated costs, and untapped potential.

BaryTech @ Event

Global Energy giant Unicorn Energy AG offers an innovative, clean as well as integrated decentralised energy solution. BaryTech is jointly working with Gmund Hydrogen Unicorn Energy Pvt. Ltd. a subsidiary of Unicorn Energy AG supporting in all possible IT activities as well as strategic planning to achieve the common goal. In fact the climate protection concerns us all.


Following the presentations, a pitching session ensued, where both German and Indian enterprises shared their perspectives on green hydrogen and its derivatives with the audience. Subsequently, participants had the opportunity to engage in a dynamic Q&A session. This session aimed to foster an exchange of individual viewpoints and to enhance the collaborative efforts in Indo-German green hydrogen initiatives.

Angebotene Dienstleistungen

BaryTech bietet Softwareentwicklung und IT-Dienstleistungen, die sich nahtlos an Ihre Projektziele und Geschäftsanforderungen anpassen, von der IT-Strategieberatung und detaillierten technologischen Roadmaps bis hin zur End-to-End-Erstellung von skalierbaren Lösungen.