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Industrie: Bankensektor

Verbesserung der Netzwerk- und Sicherheitsinfrastruktur für eine führende Bank

Facing the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats and the increasing demands of a digital-first banking world, the organization embarked on a mission to fortify its systems. This case study offers a close examination of the challenges, strategies, and outcomes of this remarkable initiative, shedding light on the innovative solutions employed to secure sensitive data and enhance operational efficiency.

Enhancing Network and Security Infrastructure for a Leading Bank


Erhöhte Sicherheit


Efficient Network Management


Seamless Remote Work


Unser Kunde ist eine der führenden Banken Indiens. Diese multinationale indische Bank erbringt Bank- und Finanzdienstleistungen für den öffentlichen Sektor.

  • Die Bank blickt auf eine über 200-jährige Geschichte zurück und ist die größte Geschäftsbank Indiens, gemessen an Vermögenswerten, Einlagen, Gewinnen, Zweigstellen, Kunden und Mitarbeitern usw.
  • Es handelt sich um ein Fortune-500-Unternehmen, das zu den 50 größten globalen Banken zählt.
  • Mit mehr als 24.000 Filialen in Indien und weiteren 190 Niederlassungen in 35 anderen Ländern weltweit verfügt die Bank über ein umfangreiches Filialnetz.
  • Die Bank wünscht eine vollständige Umgestaltung der IT-Infrastruktur und der Geschäftsabläufe ihrer Frankfurter Niederlassung.


The bank organization encountered several significant challenges before partnering with us:

BaryTech Lösung

In response to the client’s challenges, we provided a comprehensive solution that involved the following key elements:

Next-Generation Firewall Implementation

We replaced the outdated firewall with a state-of-the-art Next-Generation firewall, ensuring robust protection against evolving cyber threats.

Proxy Solution Integration

We implemented a robust proxy solution to secure their network, control access, and enhance monitoring capabilities.

Network Device Management

Our team undertook the management, maintenance, IOS upgrades, and monitoring of network devices, ensuring optimal performance and security.

Disaster Recovery Setup

We established a new network infrastructure at a data center, ensuring parallel data synchronization with the existing infrastructure, minimizing downtime in case of a disaster.

IP Segmentation Schema

A new IP segmentation schema was introduced to enhance network security and isolate critical assets from potential threats.

Remote Workstation Deployment

We successfully set up workstations for 20 remote employees, providing them with secure and efficient access to the bank's systems.

End of Support Device Replacement

We replaced end-of-support devices with modern, secure, and efficient alternatives, strengthening the overall network infrastructure.


Enhancing Network and Security Infrastructure for a Leading Bank

Collaborative Approach

Our project implementation was a collaborative endeavor, from inception to completion. A strong partnership was forged with the bank's IT department, fostering effective communication and synergy between teams. This close collaboration allowed for a seamless transition and deployment of new solutions.

Managed IT Services

Methodical Planning

A key focus of our implementation was to minimize disruption to the bank's daily operations. To achieve this, meticulous planning was conducted. Every stage of the project was thoughtfully designed and executed to ensure minimal downtime and operational risks.

Managed IT Services

Rigorous Testing

Rigorous testing procedures were put in place to guarantee the efficacy and stability of the new solutions. Stringent quality assurance checks were performed at each phase to identify and rectify any potential issues, ensuring the system's reliability and performance met the bank's stringent standards.


The outcome of this project was a resounding success for our client:

Managed IT Services

Erhöhte Sicherheit

The introduction of a Next-Generation firewall and IP segmentation significantly bolstered the bank's network security, protecting critical assets from potential threats.

Seamless Migration and Virtualization for Enhanced Database Performance

Efficient Network Management

The efficient management of network devices, maintenance, and upgrades resulted in improved performance and reliability.

Seamless Migration and Virtualization for Enhanced Database Performance

Disaster Recovery Preparedness

The bank is now well-prepared to deal with disasters, thanks to the establishment of a robust disaster recovery setup with parallel data synchronization.

BaryTech Asset

Seamless Remote Work

The remote workstation setup allowed 20 employees to work efficiently from remote locations, ensuring business continuity.

Managed IT Services

Modernized Infrastructure

The replacement of end-of-support devices with new ones has modernized the bank's network infrastructure, reduced vulnerabilities and enhancing overall efficiency.

We, as a distinguished banking institution, would like to express our utmost satisfaction with the exceptional services provided by your team. BaryTech’s expertise, dedication, and unwavering commitment to delivering top-tier solutions have not gone unnoticed. We are particularly impressed with your adept handling of complex challenges, ensuring minimal disruption to our operations. In your capable hands, our partnership has not only fortified our network and security infrastructure but has also set us on a path towards a secure and prosperous future.
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